
Library Regulations
Regulations framed under Chapter-V Section 21(1)(L) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar Ordinance 1981, herein after called Agricultural University Library Regulations


The Vice Chancellor, Agricultural University, Peshawar.

The Librarian of the Agricultural University Peshawar Library.

Faculty Members
The Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Farm Managers and Research Specialists employed by the University on whole time basis for teaching at the University and such other persons as may be recognized to be teachers by the Syndicate.

The Main Library of Agricultural University Peshawar and the Departmental Libraries.

Property includes all moveable and immovable properties of Library.

Services mean the procurement and provision of reading materials, references and literature search by direct or indirect means.

Inter Library Loan
Giving or taking of books, journals, theses and other reading materials on loan to and from other libraries or agencies.

Volume each copy of a book, a periodical, a journal and any other printed and non-printed materials.

Library Hours
The Library shall remain open according to the working hours determined by the University from time to time.